VERICOMM V4.0 版本釋出
上傳日期:2012-08-16 14:25
VeriComm V4.0 新版本釋出
1. FPGA HDL Ximulation for VHDL (Internal Signal Debugger) new release.(VeriComm Pro only)
2.test-bench input for VHDL.(VeriComm Pro only)
3.Oscilloscope for Data Processes.
4.FPGA HDL Ximulation for Verilog (Internal Signal Debugger) bug-fixed.(VeriComm Pro only)
5.VeriComm Pro/VeriComm bug-fixed.
並新增SMIMS Utility tools, 共有以下工具:
1.Ascii2MIF : Convert ASCII file to MIF(ISE/Quartus II memory initialization file).
2.HDLAutoAssign : Auto create a ucf file for Xilinx ISE or qsf file for Altera Quartus.
3.ImageToBitmapText : Convert all type of image to bitmap text file. The text file can be VeriComm wave form input file
4.SMIMSVITool : This tool can capture Webcam video frame, and display RGB data.
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